West Glamorgan County Public Records

West Glamorgan, Wales Public Record Office

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Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 3SN

Phone Number:
01792 636589,01792 636000

Email Address:

If you are planning on taking a trip to the county public record office, otherwise known as the West Glasmorgan Archive Service, then you are going to want to make sure that you are as prepared as possible. By doing so, you will ensure that you will have plenty of time to focus on everything else that you planned on looking for.


The West Glasmorgan Archive Service can be found at Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, Swansea SA1 3SN. The phone number to reach the archive service is 01792 636589. However, if you would like to reach the Civic Centre’s main switchboard, then you will need to call 01792 636000. You can also contact the West Glasmorgan Archive Service through email at westglam.archives@swansea.gov.uk.

Hours Of Operation

The Archive Service is closed on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. On Tuesday they are open from 9am-7pm and Wednesday through Friday they are open 9am-5pm. This should provide you with ample time to find whatever it is that you are in search of. If you need additional time, there are plenty of accommodations nearby and you can return the next day.

While Visiting

If you are in need of a little help with your research, there are magnifying glasses and a quicklook video magnifier that is available at the enquiry desks. With the help of these devices, you will be able to enlarge the text in order to make everything much easier to read. You may have your own magnifier, but these may give you that little bit extra help that could make all the difference.

For anyone that wants to take a break from their research, there is a café, contact centre, and central library all housed within the Swansea Civic Centre. If nothing else, you can simply take a moment to take in the view of the sea around you.

Make It Worth The Trip

Make sure that you are planning ahead. Call to inquire the specifics on what you can and cannot find at the West Glasmorgan Archive Service. This way, you will be able to plan your trip to the best of your ability and ensure that you are making the most of every minute that you are there.

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