Renfrewshire County Public Records

Renfrewshire, Scotland Public Record Office

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Greenock Crematorium
1 South Street
Greenock, PA16 8UG

The Renfewshire Public Record office is located in Renfrewshire, Scotland, a town with a population of 263,374 just south of Dumbartonshire in Martime County. It contains many of the documents that we need or are able to use to find many loved ones. Finding lost loved ones can be a difficult one, but with the technology we have today, it can be a lot easier.

At the Renfrewshire Public Records Office you will be able to find:

-cemeteries: find burial and cremation records dating from May 1846-February 1994. All burrial and cremation records can be found at the Greenock Crematorium. All inquiries regarding records can be made through- Burial Grounds Officer
Greenock Crematorium
1 South Street
Greenock, PA16 8UG

-census records: Contain the details (count and description) of named residents. They are generally done by the government every 10 yrs (except in 1941). They can be found at the General Register’s Office in Edinburgh. There computerized versions for 1881, 1891 and 1901 can be found. Also, they are now searchable online for a fee at the Scotland’s people website.

-civil registration: Also called statutory records, it began in January 1855 in Scotland. It contains the records for births, deaths and marriages. Copies of the records and registration can also be found at the General Register’s Office and online for a fee.

-court documents: Found at the National Archives of Scotland. They store the testments and inventories of people.

-statistics: what went on in the daily lives of our ancestors. What kind of jobs they had, for example.

-probate records: This is where the wills and testaments are located. Probate records from 1513-1901 are indexed online at the Scotland’s people online. Of course, you must register online and pay the fee to gain access to the probate records.

You can find a lot of your families’ history online these days. A lot of websites you can look through and find certain information, but others you can look through and with a fee you can find so much more information. It depends on what and who you’re looking for. Technology makes it faster and easier for us.

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