Sussex County Public Records

Sussex, England Public Record Office

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Maltings, Castle Precincts, Lewes BN7 1YT

When someone in this world wants to find out more about their county, they can visit their county’s public record office. For Sussex, England they would visit the Sussex public record office, This office is located at the Maltings, Castle Precincts, Lewes BN7 1YT. At this particular office you can do a few different things. But first, it is recommended that you make an appointment to visit. While visiting you should bring along some key items that may be needed to take advantage of the services the record office offers. Such items you should bring are: Identification, a pencil since pens are not allowed in the record office, you could also bring your laptop since they are allowed.

There is a main purpose to visiting the Sussex county public record office. That main purpose would be to look up records, such as collections of information and also information on Sussex alone. You may also make copies for under twenty. This office also offers a few more services. One of the other most used services of this office is their outreach and learning center. The outreach and learning center offers programs such as access to original primary sources, and resources in many different formats. They also offer tailored learning sessions to suit your learner’s individual needs. The learning center also holds workshops from time to time for anyone to come and learn at. You may also schedule your own workshop with them. There are a few more different things that this county record’s office does, the best way to discover these services is by giving the office a visit.

The county of Sussex England has a total of 1,609,500 residents when you combine East Sussex, West Sussex, and Brighton and Hove together. There is a long rich history there, you may be able to discover some of that history at the local record’s office. Sussex is also home to some of the best known independent schools in England including Brighton College. The county of Sussex has a lot to offer, and so does the county public record’s office. Take a trip there today and see what you find!

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