Durham County Public Records

Durham, Engand Public Records Office Information
The Durham, England Public Records office is on the lower ground floor of county hall in Durham.

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County Hall Durham DH1 5UL United Kingdom

Phone Number:
+44 (0) 3000 267 619

+44 (0)191 3833474

Email Address:


The public records office has present day history of Durham and Darlington. History pre-1974 of Durham is also available. They offer 900 years of records that take up 4 miles (6.5km) of shelf space with over 8,000 deposits of records.

You can look up the information you need on their website and bring it in with you. You can also order the information over the internet, telephone or through the mail (post). There is a fee to have items copied to help cover the costs.

You can look up family histories from church of England parish registries that date back to the 16th century or from non-conformist church registries. Non-conformist churches are Congregational, Methodist,Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Society of Friends (Quakers), Unitarian or other religious denominations. You can also look for wills, census information or birth, marriage or death certificates.

Some of the information is found on microfilm or require some research to find the information. It is best to set up and appointment so that the information you need will be available when you arrive. The people that work at the archives will do their best to help you find whatever information you are looking for. The more detailed information you can provide us the better since it will help narrow down the search.

The Public Record Office also has learning and teaching aids to help students better understand how history is kept and how to find information. Someone from the office can come to the school and teach students how documents are handled in the archives and how a student can learn from the history of Durham, England. We can help students better understand the history of our town and learn why keeping history is important to future generations. We also offer workshops to help people learn how to find the information that they are looking for in our records.

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